This is how we can help you to
Penetration testing
Find all the weak points of your security posture and be safe.
Password security test
Password security test checks the efficiency of your cyber-security and the passwords used in your network.
Red Teaming
The simulation of a real world attack against an organization.
ICS Security
Minimize Security Exposure in SCADA and ICS Environments
Improve security posture just by rethinking the current situation.
DDoS test
Test the effectiveness of implemented DDoS defences and the resilience of the network to flooding attacks.
Secure Static Code Review
Code review ensures that app is developed on a stable security foundations.
Ransomware Readiness
Ransomware readiness simulation is a test that shows how resilient is your organization in case of a ransomware attack.
Secure Static Code Review
Code review ensures that app is developed on a stable security foundations.