Find missed security vulnerabilities
A secure static code review is a manual or automatic review of source code with an aim to identify security flaws and vulnerabilities in the application. According to OWASP, this is the most effective technique for identifying application security flaws. MITRE has catalogued almost 700 different kinds of software security flaws. It’s a pretty big pool of possible mistakes that developers, who are normally not taught and trained in secure programming, can make. Code review ensures that app is developed on a stable security foundations.
How We Do It
Our professionals with extensive knowledge in secure coding merge Application Security Testing tools output with manual line-by-line review to detect and remediate coding flaws before they emerge as cybersecurity risks. We believe the combination of tools and manual tests delivers the best results. Automated security tools quickly discover the most alone are very helpful, but the ultimate security can be achieved only by skilled human touch.
With the help of our professionals our clients:
- Understand where are security flaws from architectural point of view
- Are able to eliminate code vulnerabilities during or after the coding stage
- Sharpen their knowledge of security coding
Deliverables of secure static code review
- Executive summary report with risk analysis
- Remediation report with recommendations for improvement
- Technical report with detailed findings
- On-site consulting